Egypt Jewish Heritage tour package :
The Pharaoh tried to get rid of the thread of the Tradition inherited from Noah, by depriving Moses of his birthright and also proving him as the coming of justice and can be seen as the Star named 41 Arietis of Aries. The birth and future destiny of Moses were said to have been prophesied to Pharaoh, who then ordered the murder of all Hebrew boys, so states the Talmud.
Josephus in the Antiquities of the Jews (Book II, Chapter IX) "2. One of those sacred scribes (Jannes or Jambres in the Targum of Johnathan) who are very sagacious in foretelling future events truly, told the king, that about this time there would be a child born to the Israelites, who, if he were reared, would bring the Egyptian dominion low, and would raise the Israelites; that he would excel all men in virtue, and obtain a glory that would be remembered through all ages. Which thing was so feared by the king, that according to this man's opinion, he commanded that they should cast every male child, which was born to the Israelites, into the river, and destroy it; .... That if any parents should disobey him, and venture to save their male children alive, they and their families should be destroyed."
I find it amusing that Aaron (Heb. ‘Aharown, a-har-one, of uncertain derivation, or ‘aharon, meaning uncertain), Moses' brother who was three years older than he, survived the onslaught of the king.
These scribes could detail to plus or minus three years an accurate prediction of a major Patriarch.
What kind of omen or star position in the constellation of Aries or it’s opposite Libra
would make them foretell the future this accurately?
"3. A man, whose name was Amram, one of the nobler sort of the Hebrews, was afraid for the whole nation, lest it should fail, by the want of young men to be brought up hereafter, was very uneasy at it, his wife being then with child, and he knew not what to do."
So upon praying to God, who had mercy on him, and through a dream provided him that his child will also have such a brother, that he shall himself obtain my priesthood, and his posterity shall have it till the end of the world.
Amram (Heb. ‘Amram, am-rawm’, probably from Heb. ‘am, people, tribe, nation, and Heb. ruwm, room, to be high, rise up, exalt, thus meaning high people, or people exalted) told his wife Jochebed (Heb. Yowkebed, yo-keh’-bed, from Heb. Yehovah contraction and Heb. kabad, kaw-bad, or kabed, kaw-bade’, to be heavy, glorify, glory, thus meaning Jehovah-gloried, also yokhevedh, Jehovah is glory) and after the child was born they nursed him for three months till forced to set him afloat in an ark of bulrushes upon the river to be left for its preservation by God.
Thermuthis (Thutmose II, married his half-sister, Hatshepsut) the king's daughter saw the child in the cradle, who brought a Hebrew woman to nurse the infant. She named him Mouses which Mo means 'water or river' and Uses means 'saved out of.’ He was the seventh generation from Abraham. The Hebrew word for Moses is moseheh, Egyptian mes, drawn out, born.
More formal as the Hebrew Mosheh, mo-sheh’, from Heb. mashah, maw-shaw’, a primary root, to pull out (lit. or fig.), draw (out), thus meaning drawing out (of the water), i.e. rescued, Mosheh, Moses.
Another story is that because of overpopulation the King became concerned that the Hebrew race might succumb the Egyptians. And he demanded the midwives who were suppose to prevent the birth of Hebrew males only, in which they got around by arriving late to the births. This angered the King so that he ordered all Hebrew males to be thrown into the river. Jochebed was Moses’ mother who placed him in the river in the ark.

In the above picture in the second column, the image of a female deity is the Dog Star, or Sirius who looks similar to one of the Set Hound figures seen as Cassiopeia (Triangulum) above the Aries, ram figure in the Zodiac of Denderah.
In the Talmud (a collection of ancient Rabbinic writings of Orthodox Judaism compiled about A.D. 200) it states Moses' mother placed him in an ark of bulrushes in the brink of the river, where he was found by Bathia, Pharaoh's daughter, she adopted him and brought him up as Prince Ahmose at the Egyptian Court. The Biblical version is in Exodus 2:1-10.
If the Exodus occurred at 1440 B.C. then the 18th Dynasty of Thutmose III (1504/3?-1450/47 B.C.) and his mother Hatshepsut (1503-1482), the woman king, would be considered Moses protectors. Hatshepsut, the queen was forced to flee during the reign of Thutmose III.
"Moses was an initiated priest of Amon and the presumed son of Pharaoh's daughter. At the time of his appearance in Exodus, Egypt had fallen into idolatry." Quote from "The Moon: Outpost of the Gods" Jean Sendy, page 38.
Moses’ understanding and apprehension became superior to his age, thus Thermuthis adopted him as her own. Josephus asserted that the Scribes and the king eventually knew that Moses was the one of the Prophecy but did not slay him because of the king's daughter.
In Acts 7:22 Stephen in an address to the Sanhedrin asserts that Moses was not only instructed in the science and learning of the Egyptians but was also endowed with oratorical ability and distinctive leadership qualities. After 40 years of age, he killed an Egyptian which made him flee from the Pharaoh to Midian where he stayed for forty years in seclusion. At the death of the great Pharaoh, God appeared in a burning bush to Moses. An oddity here is that God declared that Aaron should be spokesman for his brother (Exod. 4:10-16) before going to Goshen.
The new monarch Amenhotep II (1447-1421 B.C.) was probably the Pharaoh of the 10 plagues of Exodus which probably took place in the spring of 1446 B.C. (some scholars believe it to be 1290 B.C.). Solomon’s temple in 966 B.C. plus 480 years to the Exodus equals 1446.
The Hebraic Tradition, the Kabbala, has its roots in prehistoric times, with Moses, it is recent enough to spare us to reason on the basis of hearsay. Beyond question the two symbols of the religion of Moses are the Ram (Aries) and the Scales (Libra). The scales are a symbol for justice, as the whole age of Aries was destined to bring a certain type of justice.
There is no definite reference to Moses in Egyptian texts, but there is a great relationship between the Egyptian Akhnaton and Moses in activities and events. The old religion of Egypt at one time had lost its inspiration because materialism was increased and a reformation was greatly needed. Akhnaton had a definite relationship between himself and the priest of Amon.
Moses was the spiritual heir of 'Joseph of the Fat Cows.' He reproached Pharaoh for forgetting Joseph's teachings.
Moses apparently understood the precession that caused the equinoctial sun to rise
in Gemini in Noah's time,
in Taurus in the time of the Pharaoh's Apis,
and his own time in Aries, which were no longer known by the Pharaoh's priests. 

Rameses II also Ramesses II or Ramses II known as "Rameses the Great," 14th-13th century B.C., King of Egypt (1304-1237 B.C.) whose reign was marked by the building of numerous monuments. He was probably king during the Jewish exodus from Egypt only if Solomon’s temple was built in 810 B.C.
The 156 year variation is still in dispute among archaeologist to date. Egypt Religious heritage tours
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The Pharaoh tried to get rid of the thread of the Tradition inherited from Noah, by depriving Moses of his birthright and also proving him as the coming of justice and can be seen as the Star named 41 Arietis of Aries. The birth and future destiny of Moses were said to have been prophesied to Pharaoh, who then ordered the murder of all Hebrew boys, so states the Talmud.
Josephus in the Antiquities of the Jews (Book II, Chapter IX) "2. One of those sacred scribes (Jannes or Jambres in the Targum of Johnathan) who are very sagacious in foretelling future events truly, told the king, that about this time there would be a child born to the Israelites, who, if he were reared, would bring the Egyptian dominion low, and would raise the Israelites; that he would excel all men in virtue, and obtain a glory that would be remembered through all ages. Which thing was so feared by the king, that according to this man's opinion, he commanded that they should cast every male child, which was born to the Israelites, into the river, and destroy it; .... That if any parents should disobey him, and venture to save their male children alive, they and their families should be destroyed."
I find it amusing that Aaron (Heb. ‘Aharown, a-har-one, of uncertain derivation, or ‘aharon, meaning uncertain), Moses' brother who was three years older than he, survived the onslaught of the king.
would make them foretell the future this accurately?
"3. A man, whose name was Amram, one of the nobler sort of the Hebrews, was afraid for the whole nation, lest it should fail, by the want of young men to be brought up hereafter, was very uneasy at it, his wife being then with child, and he knew not what to do."
So upon praying to God, who had mercy on him, and through a dream provided him that his child will also have such a brother, that he shall himself obtain my priesthood, and his posterity shall have it till the end of the world.
Amram (Heb. ‘Amram, am-rawm’, probably from Heb. ‘am, people, tribe, nation, and Heb. ruwm, room, to be high, rise up, exalt, thus meaning high people, or people exalted) told his wife Jochebed (Heb. Yowkebed, yo-keh’-bed, from Heb. Yehovah contraction and Heb. kabad, kaw-bad, or kabed, kaw-bade’, to be heavy, glorify, glory, thus meaning Jehovah-gloried, also yokhevedh, Jehovah is glory) and after the child was born they nursed him for three months till forced to set him afloat in an ark of bulrushes upon the river to be left for its preservation by God.
Thermuthis (Thutmose II, married his half-sister, Hatshepsut) the king's daughter saw the child in the cradle, who brought a Hebrew woman to nurse the infant. She named him Mouses which Mo means 'water or river' and Uses means 'saved out of.’ He was the seventh generation from Abraham. The Hebrew word for Moses is moseheh, Egyptian mes, drawn out, born.
More formal as the Hebrew Mosheh, mo-sheh’, from Heb. mashah, maw-shaw’, a primary root, to pull out (lit. or fig.), draw (out), thus meaning drawing out (of the water), i.e. rescued, Mosheh, Moses.
Another story is that because of overpopulation the King became concerned that the Hebrew race might succumb the Egyptians. And he demanded the midwives who were suppose to prevent the birth of Hebrew males only, in which they got around by arriving late to the births. This angered the King so that he ordered all Hebrew males to be thrown into the river. Jochebed was Moses’ mother who placed him in the river in the ark.
In the Talmud (a collection of ancient Rabbinic writings of Orthodox Judaism compiled about A.D. 200) it states Moses' mother placed him in an ark of bulrushes in the brink of the river, where he was found by Bathia, Pharaoh's daughter, she adopted him and brought him up as Prince Ahmose at the Egyptian Court. The Biblical version is in Exodus 2:1-10.
If the Exodus occurred at 1440 B.C. then the 18th Dynasty of Thutmose III (1504/3?-1450/47 B.C.) and his mother Hatshepsut (1503-1482), the woman king, would be considered Moses protectors. Hatshepsut, the queen was forced to flee during the reign of Thutmose III.
"Moses was an initiated priest of Amon and the presumed son of Pharaoh's daughter. At the time of his appearance in Exodus, Egypt had fallen into idolatry." Quote from "The Moon: Outpost of the Gods" Jean Sendy, page 38.
Moses’ understanding and apprehension became superior to his age, thus Thermuthis adopted him as her own. Josephus asserted that the Scribes and the king eventually knew that Moses was the one of the Prophecy but did not slay him because of the king's daughter.
In Acts 7:22 Stephen in an address to the Sanhedrin asserts that Moses was not only instructed in the science and learning of the Egyptians but was also endowed with oratorical ability and distinctive leadership qualities. After 40 years of age, he killed an Egyptian which made him flee from the Pharaoh to Midian where he stayed for forty years in seclusion. At the death of the great Pharaoh, God appeared in a burning bush to Moses. An oddity here is that God declared that Aaron should be spokesman for his brother (Exod. 4:10-16) before going to Goshen.
The new monarch Amenhotep II (1447-1421 B.C.) was probably the Pharaoh of the 10 plagues of Exodus which probably took place in the spring of 1446 B.C. (some scholars believe it to be 1290 B.C.). Solomon’s temple in 966 B.C. plus 480 years to the Exodus equals 1446.
The Hebraic Tradition, the Kabbala, has its roots in prehistoric times, with Moses, it is recent enough to spare us to reason on the basis of hearsay. Beyond question the two symbols of the religion of Moses are the Ram (Aries) and the Scales (Libra). The scales are a symbol for justice, as the whole age of Aries was destined to bring a certain type of justice.
There is no definite reference to Moses in Egyptian texts, but there is a great relationship between the Egyptian Akhnaton and Moses in activities and events. The old religion of Egypt at one time had lost its inspiration because materialism was increased and a reformation was greatly needed. Akhnaton had a definite relationship between himself and the priest of Amon.
Moses was the spiritual heir of 'Joseph of the Fat Cows.' He reproached Pharaoh for forgetting Joseph's teachings.
in Gemini in Noah's time,
in Taurus in the time of the Pharaoh's Apis,
and his own time in Aries, which were no longer known by the Pharaoh's priests.
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thank you for your in formation and that was very helpful .