In stone ........... About the ancient Egyptians the sacred science: -Science concerned with the archaeological study of stone temples and pyramids ........... But does not answer the important question, and is why originally built ..... And what is the point of construction?Archaeologists are busy studying the stone, and when built and built from ........ But they are not interested in the philosophy of construction.The meditator Egyptian civilization discovers that behind every stone was built by the ancient Egyptians the idea ..... And science.Built the pyramids and temples to record and document what was the ancient Egyptians of Sciences, the scientists discovered recently that the ancient Egyptians used the golden ratio / cutting Golden (Golden Ratio) in the construction of temples, and the golden ratio is a law universal, which built the universe, and use in the construction of temples was to establish a connection (prayer) between the "man / younger universe" and the larger universe. There is no prayer and awareness of rights separate from the universe.Built the pyramids and temples also to record what was the ancient Egyptians from other sciences such as architecture, astronomical science (Arceo-Astronomy), and astronomy and Alostrulogy, science and origins of the universe and its evolution.All of this struck the ancient Egyptians and Othagoh ......... In stone ......... Stone is to be the holy book of science.And who looks at the stone and is unable to see the flag, which was built by the ancient stone that is like a person who wanted to study the book so he busies himself studying the type of paper printed by the method of packaging and the book ....... Bntbh and not in the book of science.There are still looking for the secret room under the feet of the Sphinx ..... Imagining that there is a room full of papyrus written shrouds the secrets of the universe.Of the room was looking for the secrets of Thoth, which contain the secrets of the universe, the system construction in ancient Egypt is the whole Book of Thoth, which contain the sacred mysteries of the universe. He came in the texts of the establishment of the Temple of Edfu Egypt that all architectural monuments but constructed according to a plan developed by a global Thoth and carried out by the ancient Egyptians ..... Egypt is to be a picture of the sky, the universe and to live in the temples as stated in the embedded Hermes.

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