Concept and editing: Jaromir Malek
Cataloguing and editorial assistance: Elizabeth Fleming
Scanning: Junghwa Choi and Jenni Navratil
Griffith Institute, Oxford Although the tomb of Khaemhet has been re-recorded in modern times, V. Loret's incomplete publication in
Mémoires publiés par les membres de la Mission Archéologique Française au Caire i (1889), 113-32 pls. i-iv has not yet been superseded. The squeezes presented here almost certainly show details which can no longer be seen in the tomb. All the descriptions and the plan have been taken from B. Porter, R. L. B. Moss and E. W. Burney,
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs, and Paintings, i Part 1 (Oxford, 1960).
Squeezes 4.1-68D were made, or were acquired, by the Revd. Henry Stobart (1824-1895) in Egypt in 1854-5. Squeezes 1.1-15 were made by an unknown person in the 1880s or 1890s.
(1) Stela, Dyn. XIX. Two registers, Suemmerenhor, Custodian, censes and libates to Osiris and Western goddess in I, and adores Anubis in II. (2) Khaemhet censes and libates with hymn. (3) Stela, Khaemhet purifies shrine containing four protecting goddesses and Sons of Horus, with canopic jars below. (4) Lower part of stela with remains of purification scene, and Opening the Mouth instruments and jars below. (5) Khaemhet adores with hymn. Hall.
(6) Door leading into the entrance room. Outer jambs, text with Khaemhet seated at bottom. Left thickness, Khaemhet (upper part now in Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, replaced by a cast) adoring, with hymn to the sun. Griffith Institute squeezes 1.1a, 1.1b, 4.1, 4.1a, 4.1b, 4.1c and 4.2
Head of Khaemhet, from left thickness.
(7) Khaemhet offers on braziers to Amun-Re-Harakhti. Sub-scene, butchers and three offering bearers. Griffith Institute squeeze 4.3.
Offerings on braziers.
(8) Two remaining registers, I and II, remains of measuring crop and recording grain. Sub-scene, Khaemhet with two offering bearers (one holding sheaf with quails) offers on braziers to serpent-headed Termuthis suckling King as child. (9) Two remaining registers. I, II, Unloading freight ships, and market. (10) Niche containing statues of Khaemhet and Imhotep, Royal scribe, with Khaemhet's wife in relief between them. Side walls, litany and offering list (repeated at (24), (26) and (28)), and Khaemhet offering with Opening the Mouth text on right side wall. Left of niche, butchers. Right of niche, victims.Griffith Institute squeeze 4.49
Hands of priest holding Opening the Mouth instrument, and text, from west wall of niche.
(11) Khaemhet and three registers, I-III, men bringing cattle, before Amenophis III (head in Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 14442, replaced by cast) in kiosk, with sphinx slaying captive on arm of throne, captives on side of throne, and Nine Bows on base of kiosk.Griffith Institute squeeze 4.56
Text above Khaemhet.
Griffith Institute squeeze 1.3
Nine men, from left end of register I.
Griffith Institute squeezes 4.4 and 4.4a
Upper part of six men, from left end of register I.
Griffith Institute squeezes 4.5 and 4.5a
Six calves, from left end of register I.
Griffith Institute squeezes 4.6 and 4.6a
Three calves, and part of text behind Khaemhet, and part of text behind Khaemhet in register I.
Griffith Institute squeezes 1.4a and 1.4b
Upper part of three calves from group at right end, and part of text behind Khaemhet in I.
Griffith Institute squeezes 1.5a, 1.5b and 4.68A
Upper part of two men in III.
Griffith Institute squeezes 1.6a, 1.6b, 4.8, 4.8a and 4.8b
Head of Amenophis III.
Griffith Institute squeeze 4.68B
Top left-hand corner of kiosk.
Griffith Institute squeezes 1.2, 4.7, 4.7a and 4.7b
Sphinx slaying captive, with bound captives below, on arm of throne.
(12) Khaemhet offers on braziers. Griffith Institute squeezes 1.7a and 1.7b
Upper part of Khaemhet.
Griffith Institute squeezes 4.32, 4.32a, 4.32b, 4.32c and 4.33.
Head of Khaemhet.
Griffith Institute squeezes 4.34 and 4.34a
Offerings held by Khaemhet, and text.
Griffith Institute squeezes 4.35, 4.35a and 4.35b
Offerings on braziers.
(13) Three registers, I, Khaemhet inspects men measuring crop. II, Waiting chariots, with preparation of food under trees at each end. III, Two rows, waiting mule-chariot, man asleep under tree, boy playing pipe, carrying and threshing grain. Sub-scene, two rows, agriculture, including felling trees, and winnowing with offerings to harvest deity, before Khaemhet seated. Griffith Institute squeezes 4.24, 4.24a and 4.24b
Upper part of Khaemhet.
Griffith Institute squeeze 4.21
Boy and two men, from scene of measuring crop, from upper row of register I.
Griffith Institute squeezes 4.25 and 4.25a
Four men behind Khaemhet, from upper row in register I.
Griffith Institute squeeze 4.26
Four men behind Khaemhet, from lower row in register I.
Griffith Institute squeeze 4.22
1st, 2nd and 3rd men from left, from scene of measuring crop, from lower row of register I.
Griffith Institute squeeze 4.23
3rd, 4th and 5th men from left, from scene of measuring crop, from lower row of register I.
Griffith Institute squeeze 4.27
Men holding horses in register II.
Griffith Institute squeeze 4.28
Two men, chariots and horses in register II.
Griffith Institue squeeze 4.29
Men behind rear chariot in register II.
Griffith Institute squeeze 4.30
Man asleep under tree, and waiting mule chariot, from upper row in register III.
Griffith Institute squeeze 4.31
Boy playing pipe, and carrying grain, from upper row in register III.
(14) Remains of three registers, man offering to Khaemhet and wife(?).Griffith Institute squeeze 4.20
Upper part of man offering to Khaemhet, from top register.
(15) Khaemhet and three registers, I-III, officials of Upper and Lower Egypt, rewarded by Amenophis III (head in Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 14503, replaced by cast) in kiosk on throne similar to that at (11), with text of year 30. Griffith Institute squeeze 4.12
Head of Khaemhet.
Griffith Institute squeeze 4.55
Text above Khaemhet.
Griffith Institute squeeze 1.9
Official being rewarded, from left end of register I.
Griffith Institute squeezes 4.13, 4.13a and 4.13b
Upper part of official being rewarded, from left end of register I.
Griffith Institute squeeze 4.14
Upper part of official being rewarded, from middle of register I.
Griffith Institute squeeze 4.15
Upper part of official and six men, from middle and right end of register I.
Griffith Institute squeeze 4.16
Upper part of 1st, 2nd and 3rd officials from left, in register II.
Griffith Institute squeeze 4.17
Upper part of 3rd, 4th and 5th officials from left, in register II.
Griffith Institute squeeze 4.18
Upper part of 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th officials from left, in register II.
Griffith Institute squeeze 4.19
Upper part of 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th officials from left, in register II.
Griffith Institute squeezes 1.8, 4.9, 4.9a, 4.9b and 4.9c
Head of Amenophis III.
Griffith Institute squeezes 4.11 and 4.11a
Cartouches of Amenophis III.
Griffith Institute squeezes 4.10 and 4.10a
Sphinx slaying captive on arm of throne, and upper part of captives on side.
(16) Outer lintel, double scene, Khaemhet before Osiris and Isis, and before Osiris and Nephthys. Jambs, offering texts. Left thickness, remains of text at bottom (replaced). Right thickness, long texts including 'appeal to visitors'.Griffith Institute squeezes 4.36a, 4.36b and 4.37
Osiris and Isis, from left half of outer lintel, and Nephthys, from right half.
Griffith Institute squeeze 4.36
Osiris, from left half of outer lintel.
Griffith Institute squeeze 4.68
Khaemhet, from right half of outer lintel.
Griffith Institute squeeze 1.10
Part of five columns of text from right thickness.
Griffith Institute squeeze 4.50
Middle part of columns 2-6 of text on right thickness.
Griffith Institute squeeze 4.51
Bottom part of columns 2-6 of text on right thickness.
Griffith Institute squeeze 4.52
Top part of columns 2-6 of text on right thickness.
(17) Khaemhet.Griffith Institute squeezes 1.11a, 1.11b, 4.38, 4.38a and 4.39
Upper part of Khaemhet.
(18) and (19) Remains of three registers, I-III, funeral procession and ceremonies (including foreleg rite) before Western goddess with [cryptographic text] behind her in I, 'Nine friends', male mourners, and men with funeral outfit, in II, and boats in III, all before Osiris and Western goddess with men in booths with food tables and female mourners below them. Griffith Institute squeeze 4.48
Eight columns of cryptographic text.
Griffith Institute squeezes 4.60, 4.60a, 4.63, 4.63a and 4.63b
Men with funeral outfit, from register I or II.
Griffith Institute squeeze 4.62
'Nine friends' and male mourners in register II.
Griffith Institute squeezes 1.12, 4.42, 4.42a and 4.42b
Female mourners and part of boat scene, in register III.
Griffith Institute squeeze 4.40 and 4.40a
Western goddess with cryptographic text behind her, from register I.
Griffith Institute squeezes 4.43 and 4.43a
Heads of Osiris and Western goddess.
Griffith Institute squeeze 4.43b
Upper part of Osiris and Western goddess.
Griffith Institute squeeze 4.43c
Insignia held by Osiris.
Griffith Institute squeeze 4.43d
Upper part of Western goddess.
Griffith Institute squeeze 4.41
Head of Western goddess.
Griffith Institute squeezes 4.64 and 4.64a
Men in booths, offering bearers and rowers (below Osiris and Western goddess).
(20) Damaged scene, Khaemhet purified and acclaimed by priests.Griffith Institute squeeze 4.57
Priest pouring libation, from top row.
Griffith Institute squeeze 4.47
2nd priest from bottom.
(21) and (22) Khaemhet with staff, Fields of Iaru, part of text of Book of the Dead, statue of Khaemhet purified by priest, and Khaemhet with Anubis standard adores [god]. Sub-scene, Abydos pilgrimage to tomb (including horse and chariot in boat), and priest with female mourners censing and libating before chair with bouquets in centre. Griffith Institute squeezes 1.15, 4.58 and 4.58a
Upper part of Khaemhet.
Griffith Institute squeezes 4.61, 4.61a and 4.61b
Man ploughing with oxen, and another sowing, from Fields of Iaru.
Griffith Institute squeezes 4.65, 4.65a and 4.65b
Two men before squatting deities.
Griffith Institute squeeze 4.53
Part of text of Book of the Dead, columns 3-11.
Griffith Institute squeeze 4.68C
Priest with female mourners, from sub-scene.
Griffith Institute squeezes 4.45 and 4.45a
Upper part of priest libating.
Griffith Institute squeezes 4.46, 4.46a and 4.46b
Khaemhet and wife(?) in 2nd boat from right in sub-scene.
Griffith Institute squeezes 4.44, 4.44a and 4.44b
Empty chair with bouquets, from centre of sub-scene.
Inner Room.
(23) Outer lintel, double scene, Khaemhet kneeling, with part of Book of the Dead, adores souls of Pe and of Nekhen. Left jamb, Khaemhet 'entering Ro-setau'. Left thickness, [Khaemhet] adoring. Griffith Institute squeeze 4.54
Upper part of Khaemhet adoring, and text above him.
(24) Niche with statues of Khaemhet and woman. Side walls, litany and offering list (as at (10)) with oryx below on left wall, and victims below on right wall.Griffith Institute squeeze 4.66
Gazelle and oryx, from bottom of left wall of niche.
Griffith Institute squeeze 4.67
Offerings, from right wall of niche.
(25) Upper part of Khaemhet with staff, in Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 2063 (replaced by cast). Griffith Institute squeeze 1.13
Upper part of Khaemhet.
(26) Niche with statues of Khaemhet as Mahu and wife. Side walls, litany and offering list (as at (10)). (27) Khaemhet adoring (the statues at (28)). Griffith Institute squeezes 1.14 and 4.68D
Upper part of Khaemhet.
Griffith Institute squeeze 4.59
(28) Niche with statues of Khaemhet and Imhotep, Royal scribe, with wife of Khaemhet in relief between them. Side walls, remains of litany and offering list (as at (10)), in Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 24365-6.