Thursday, November 27, 2014

philae and the tomb of osiris

the island of Bigeh (Biggeh, Biga), located just to the south of new Philae and a little to the west of the original island. By the start of the Graeco-Roman Period, this site had come to be viewed as both the tomb of Osiris and the source of the Nile, which was believed to issue from a cavern deep beneath the island. A special sanctuary was built there in ancient times, but the area was prohibited to people and thus became known in Greek as the Abaton, or "forbidden place". According to legend, the left leg of Osiris was buried here after his body had been cut up by his brother Seth. The burial place on Bigeh was said to be surrounded by 365 altars on which the priests laid daily offerings of milk. Although originally of greater religious importance than nearby Philae, Bigeh thus remained outside the normal development cycle of temple building and growth, so it was Philae that was developed instead. The remains of the small temple at Bigeh are on the eastern side of the island, opposite the location of the original Philae.
Once every ten days (ten days is one week according to the ancient Egyptian calendar)and on annual festivals, the statue of Isis Great Lady of Philae was carried out of her temple at Philae to visit the tomb of her husband on Bigeh.

the tomb of osiris and above it the sacred tree and the kind spirit of osiris and behind it Isis with cow's head, one of its rare  forms   pourmilk on the tomb of Osiris to give him life the same time refers to the annual flood again and send a second mission of course is the new flood and behind Isis we see the island Bigeh with its huge granite rocks  protected  by the vulture Nekhbet and the falcon god Horus.
 next to the tomb of Osiris we see hapy  protected by huge snake pouring the flood water into the river,  has Hadrian ordered that  365 Table s offering tables that r poured out milk and wine in honor of osiris

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