a) - The sacred barque
Above the wooden building which protects the portable barque is the representation of the vulture goddess Nekhbet, who, with outstretched wings, holds in each claw an amulets in the shape of the 'Shenu' sign and a large feather of Ma'at. The craftsman included decoration on the lateral supports of the chapel. The coving of the chapel is decorated with a row of upright solar cobras, beneath which is a winged solar disk evoking Horus-Behedeti (very similar to Nekhbet). These constitute the two emblems which the kings of the Old Kingdom surrounded themselves when they left for war.
The portable barque rests on a small chapel structure, but this has been partially concealed by another structure. This again has a row of cobras at the top, a coving and of other motifs. Below it are two scenes which show Thutmosis III and Ramesses II dedicating some offerings to Montu.
In front of the full chapel structure (to the right) is the vizier Usermontu and his brother Huy, but in an inverse order of that of the east wall. This time it is Huy who makes the libation and the incensement. Above the two men was a text in six deep yellow columns, but time has nearly erased the black of the hieroglyphs completely, making it illegible.
The scene at top left, is connected to the offerings which are going to be presented. It shows an anonymous priest who goes into a temple or into one of its chapels, whose doorposts are stamped with the name of Ramesses II.
The towing vessels

These are not the same as the ones on the east wall. At the front of each is the presence of a horse on the side of the case reserved for the captain, which indicates that they transported the animals destined for the army or of the king. It should be noted that the artist clumsily tried to a create perspective whilst showing the two vessels, one behind the other. This is how the rear of both hulls has a different curvature, permitting to clearer view of the vessel in the background. The two men at the rudder are individualised distinctly, as also are both ropes joining the towing vessels to the transport barge. Again there is a scene of exercise with the fight using a stick, on the kiosk of the second boat, but this time, the man on the right confesses himself to be the loser, having had his staff knocked from his hand, and says: "It is Amon who gives victory". On the other kiosk, to the right, is a pile of offerings.
Two men, one on each boat, offer bouquets. They represent: "The charioteer of the stable of Usimarere-Setpenre (= Ramesses II), Raria" and "The charioteer, Iia".
Due to the restricted space, which didn't allow the representation of the commander on the boat, the designer placed him on the shore (on the adjoining part of the west wall). He is identified as: "The officer (of the ship ?) 'The [...] of Pharaoh', Pached, who was brought into the world (by) Maiay".
c) - The offerings of welcome

This part of the register, upper right, is divided into two sub-registers. The top one has the offering placed inside two small temples or chapels. The bottom one has two separate piles of offerings, not enclosed thus probably indicating them as being more modest.
• The first scene, to the left of the top sub-register, has offerings placed in a temple or a chapel whose columns are inscribed with the name of Ramesses II. The officiant is "The steward of (Queen) Tiy, in the estate of Amon, the royal scribe, Usererhat" (queen Tiy was the great royal wife of Amenhotep III). He holds in one hand a bouquet (not seen in the photograph) and with the other he pours the contents of a tray of incense (golden, with small red marking) onto the heaped offerings. There is no indication as to how he retains it. On the ground lies a cattle carcass.

• In the second scene, the chapel again bears the name of Ramesses II, here the officiant is Khonsu himself. He here bears the title "Overseer of [the cattle of] Menkheperure" (Tuthmosis IV). He is followed by "His mother, [the chantress] of Montu, Lord of Ermant, Tauseret", then "His wife, Taiay" (surely the error by someone for Mutia), then by "His daughter Ruy". There is also a small anonymous girl, who stands behind Khonsu. Each of the women shake a Hathoric sistrum, one holds a censer and another possibly the top of a fan.
• Scene three, is on the second sub-register, on the left. This shows "His father (?) the chamberlain (the court official in charge of domestic and ceremonial affairs) of Menkheperure, Djehutypai". Both of his arms are raised in front of offerings, piled in three layers on top of three small tables, in the middle of which are amphoras of wine.

• Scene four, to the right, has a female officiant, "The priestess of Tjenenet of Ermant, Ru". Behind her, stand three other females, grouped together, and finally a fourth, who is actually on the adjoining part of the west wall (again probably due to lack of space). The first is identified (by text in front of her) as "Daughter of the chantress of Mont, Mai", almost certainly the mother of the priestess. The remaining three are identified by the text on the west all, above the last female . These are: "Her daughter, the priestess Tent, [...] deceased", followed by "Her daughter, the chantress [of Montu], Nesnub" and finally, portrayed on the west wall, "Her daughter, the chantress of Montu, Mai". It should be noted that Tjenenet was one of the consort goddess of Montu, who possessed a chapel in Tod and Ermant; her cult never extended beyond these limits. The presentation of the two outer priestesses have shaven heads, non-pleated dresses and they wear sandals on their feet.
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